The Duffer Brothers Rule Out Major Season 5 Theory
Now finally the Duffer Brothers have dismissed this theory. Recently they spoke to Metro at the premiere of Stranger Things: The First Shadow. When asked about the DnD theory, the Duffer brothers erupted into laughter, with Matt joking: “That is correct. That is the ending…. No.”
Later Ross explained: “That would be the equivalent of, “That’s all a dream”. No, I assure you that is not how we’re going to end the show. We’ve known where we’ve been going for a while. And we feel comfortable with it; hopefully, it satisfies everyone. We’ll see.”
This revelation seems to confirm that Stranger Things will indeed have a concrete conclusion. The theories circulating about it being a Dungeons and Dragons game or a mere dream appear to be unfounded.
Earlier the Duffer Brothers revealed in an interview with The Guardian that season 5 will be the biggest and the stories of Eleven, Hopper, Lucas and Dustin will conclude with the final season.
“This season – it’s like season one on steroids. It’s the biggest it’s ever been in terms of scale, but it has been really fun, because everyone’s back together in Hawkins: the boys and Eleven interacting more in line with how it was in season one. And, yes, there may be spin-offs, but the story of Eleven and Dustin and Lucas and Hopper, their stories are done here. That’s it…”
The filming for the final season of Stranger Things will commence in January 2024.
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