Stranger Things 4 Final Shot Confirms Season 5’s Big Storyline
Stranger Things season 4’s final shot may have confirmed the biggest storylines to come in season 5. The following season will be the last of the Netflix series so the story is expected to be wrapped that started way back in 2016. While the final season might feature many twists and turns, season 4 has hinted at where the show is heading, especially in the last scene.
In season 4, the Hawkins gang was unable to defeat Vecna as he emerged victorious in the final battle. Flashing forward two days, the group was reunited at Hopper’s cabin. While Eleven, Mike, Will, Jonathan, Nancy, and Argyle were fixing up Hopper’s cabin, Will sensed Vecna was still out there. The group was then led to a nearby field where they discovered the Upside Down was invading Hawkins.
The final shot of Stranger Things season 4 then showed the group looking at the town of Hawkins from atop the hill. We got to see Jonathon and Nancy, Will and Mike, Hopper and Joyce standing next to each other. While Eleven is alone looking at the Upside Down spreading through Hawkins. This scene may have confirmed one major plotline for season 5 and that is Will and Mike’s complicated friendship.
Following much speculation, season 4 confirmed that Will Byers is gay and he loves Mike Wheeler. Though it hasn’t been explicitly stated just yet but was almost confirmed in a heartbreaking scene in the fourth season. After the show is accused of queerbaiting, this was a step in the right direction. Throughout the four seasons, Will and Mike’s scenes together made it increasingly clear that Will has romantic feelings for Mike. In the latest season, Will used his painting to disguise his feelings with a speech to cheer up Mike by telling him that his connection to Eleven is still strong.
Now the final shot of season 4 means that Will and Mike’s complicated relationship will be the major highlight in season 5. Mike is oblivious to Will’s feelings and it will be interesting to see his reaction when he finds out the truth. At the moment, Mike does not seem to have any reciprocated romantic feelings as he’s love in with Eleven. The Duffer Brothers have confirmed that Will Byers will be back into focus for Stranger Things season 5. Apart from his connection to Vecna, his feelings for Mike will play a major role.
Apart from this, the final season also seems to confirm three other storylines. Nancy’s relationship with Jonathon seems to be in trouble as she might still have some feelings for Steve. So this question will be addressed. On the other hand, Hopper and Joyce will be together protecting their kids. At the center of season 4’s final shot was Eleven, who watched on as the Upside Down spread through Hawkins. She was unable to defeat Vecna but she will get another chance in season 5. If the core group is to survive, Eleven must evolve her powers and find a way to kill Vecna.
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