Stranger Things Fans Are Turning Against The Show

September 1, 2024

Some fans of Stranger Things are turning against the show by showing their hatred on TikTok and Twitter. Interestingly it is all because of one otherwise beloved character from the series, Eddie Munson.

Joseph Quinn appeared as outcast Eddie in the show’s fourth season. He became one of the season’s highlights and it seemed like everyone accepted him as part of the show. Unfortunately, for some reason, many fans are beginning to “gatekeep” the fandom over Eddie Munson’s popularity. This was pointed out by Rolling Stone as they explored a number of TikTok users who’ve been negatively commenting on Eddie Munson or his fans.


Since the release of season 4, fans are sharing videos on TikTok, largely focused on the character Eddie Munson in the form of lip syncs, copy cat mullets, and even tattoos. Apart from that, there are countless edits on social media. A Stranger Things fan Naomie Lapointe referred to a number of negative comments on her cosplay video. She dressed as Steve Harrington while a group of fans dressed as Eddie Munson surrounded her. Talking about the hate comments she said:

“A lot of the comments I got were about how ‘new fans’ were ruining the show, or how ‘cosplay is so cringe,’ as if fans of every kind of media haven’t been cosplaying for decades,” Naomie told Rolling Stone. “It discouraged me a little bit, if I’m honest. While I knew that I was in the right and that they were being hateful and bitter for no good reason, the constant negative attention made me really self-conscious.”

One creator dedicated a song to Eddie Munson. Entitled “Eddie’s Song,” it includes the lyrics “Eddie baby” / “I just saw Steve” / “He’s crying his eyes out with Dustin” / “They’re playing D & D,” in its first refrain. Apparently, this is where the hate for Eddie Munson fans began. Following the release of the full song on Spotify, the creator turned the comments off on all her “Eddie Baby ” related content.

“I’m sorry but I miss 2019 stranger things fandom right now,” one comment on an Eddie Munson video read. “He was present for ONE season,” another replied. Those comments alone were liked 150,000 times.

Check out some of the more reactions from Twitter.


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